Friday, April 25, 2008

Motion Picture Soundtrack

I find music to be very similar to the hammer the doctor slams against my kneecap to prove my reflexes are still active. I prescribe to my daily routine, and then every now and then I find myself at an appointment I didn't make myself. And then the tool comes, knocks me to the ground, and I get up.  I'm alive.

An exaggerated example, I guess, but I live between hypotheticals and dressed up four penny words. I'm on a first-name-basis with thinking, anyways. You can pull up a chair and join the conversation if you want. I didn't really have anything interesting to pour in anyways. But I'll continue with my false witticisms.

I was listening to Kid A today, I hadn't in a while, and "Motion Picture Soundtrack" came on. I've listened to it before, but I think it always caught me when my mind had no vacant spots for appreciation. Apparently, today I did, and the hammer came down. I got the chills, the absent-minded stare, and all those other cliches you can think of when a song catches you completely off guard. But for some reason the hammer came down even harder, and I kicked back with some vigor I had forgotten about. It was that feeling of that first gasp of air after being submerged for too long. I was alive, and not like the anatomical stuff. I don't like biology anyways. It put me in my place, but after I caught my breath, it pushed me away and kept an interested glimpse as to what my next step would be.


Yeah, I know. I get wordy. Sorry. I feel like some horrible narrator to my day. Maybe this is all because I watched Kiss Kiss Bang Bang last week. 

It's refreshing. Those little moments that prove you're alive. That you're completely capable of getting lost in this labyrinth of a life, but even more capable of chasing that exit, wherever the hell it is, with a smile on your face.

Good Day.

+Grant (g-are-en-tuh)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

I am in my room and my head is planted on the edge of my desk. Plato has a bookmark in him, and I left his spine open (my apologies, I'll deal with the Republic later). The remnant of my sound system is full volume, and the computer is making designs on its screensaver. It seems as though I'm writing a prescription for a headache, especially with this Counting Crows song blaring in the background. But I'm fine. I'm happy. This is just sticking with me. I'm a sucker for a good acoustic song, anyways. I've always admired Adam Duritz's ability to be so eloquent with his songwriting and singing (his performances alone show how physically he gets into each and every word he writes), but I feel he hit it especially strong with this one.